Friday, January 31, 2014

How it all ties together...

We get manure from the Greenville zoo....
The manure feeds our gardens at 11Briar st.
The gardens feed people in need and the sales from the rest feed our other ventures...

We get manure from the horses that pull the carriages up and down main street Greenville in the evenings....
The manure feeds our gardens at 11Briar St.
The gardens feed people in need and the sales from the excess go to feed our other ventures...

We collect coffee grounds from Starbucks, Spill the Beans...We collect coffee chaff from West End Coffee...They collect the moisture from the manure, cover the smell of manure...

All of our efforts keep this stuff out of the trash stream and reduce waste in landfills....

We use containers from Starbucks and fast food places that would otherwise have been thrown away to create hydroponic gardens...
These gardens feed people in need and the sales from the excess feed our other ventures.

We use compostable matter from 14 restaurants in our compost piles...
We are a carbon sink
We use this or our gardens...
These gardens feed people in need and the sales from the excess feed our other ventures

We build tiny houses.
These create a smaller footprint and a vision for sustainable living...
The owners rent them out creating revenue...
People come out to our property to get away, rent the homes, support a cause, have fun, support local ventures.

We put on events...
These events are cheaper for our members, who get more affordable food through our CSA
The performers at these events make more money and are able to support themselves better with better food, better health and more of the money that they earn with their art in their back pocket.

We support an artist's guild...
The artists we support play at our events, support the venue, they leave with more money in their pockets and the venue gets paid for.
Allowing us to grow more food...
Allowing us to feed more people in need and the sales from the excess to feed our other ventures.

We support a school on the property...
Children learn about the natural world and the tech world at the same time...
They learn about how to create in and sustain a world that is rapidly changing and requires a foot in both worlds.

This is the tip of the iceberg.  This is the basis of what we are about. This is the foundation that we are building on.  Common sense, common cause...building, creating, being!

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